Even if we set aside the aesthetic values we place on our skin and the risk of outbreaks, there are plenty of good reasons not to sleep with your makeup on. Sleeping with your makeup on can cause all sorts of skin problems that not only affect our appearance, but our health as well.

One of the main problems caused by sleeping in our makeup is an increased risk of bacterial infection (yup!). When we wear makeup, we are essentially creating a barrier between our skin and the outside world. This barrier can prevent our skin from breathing and from getting rid of toxins and bacteria that can cause infections.

But there’s more than that. Our skin is also able to absorb 60% of the chemicals in our makeup, which can lead to problems like skin irritation, rashes, and even acne. So not only is sleeping in makeup bad for our skin’s health, it can also be unhealthy for our bodies as well.

Sleeping With Makeup On: What’s The Deal?

Unfortunately, some approved cosmetics include ingredients that are actually banned in other countries due to a lot of political pressure from the cosmetics industry. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation, and it can be difficult to weed through it all.

So sleeping with your makeup on (and these questionable chemicals!) can do a lot more than just clog your pores. If you’re wearing products with harmful ingredients, you’re essentially putting those ingredients directly into your body. Washing your face nightly is one of the most important things you can do for your skin—and your overall health.

Ways You Can Help Improve Your Skin

Some of the answers are pretty obvious, and others aren’t.

The number one thing that dermatologists recommend is using a gentle cleanser. Avoid ones that contain harsh chemicals, or anything that really strips your skin of its natural oils. You want to find a cleanser that’s going to be effective, but not overly harsh because your skin has a microbiome that’s important to maintain. It’s an important balance!

The second thing might be less obvious, yet still right in front of your nose – your pillowcase. I know… really? Really. Pillowcases can actually harbor a lot of bacteria, and that bacteria can then transfer to your skin and cause breakouts. But don’t worry, you don’t have to give up your pillow. The solution is actually very easy: a silk pillowcase! Silk is naturally antimicrobial, so it helps to keep your skin clean and clear.

Finally, have you ever heard of a Hydrafacial? At its core, a Hydrafacial is a facial that uses a device to deeply cleanse and exfoliate your skin, while also infusing it with serums and hyaluronic acid. It’s a great way to give your skin a boost, and it’s something that you can do every few weeks or so. Hydrafacials require zero downtime – so you can fit it in on your lunch break, and head straight back to the office after – no one will ever know!

If you’ve been sleeping with your makeup on, chances are your skin is not happy. But you can make it glow again with a little love, so why not spoil yourself? Come and see Body ‘N’ Bloom for a Hydrafacial to get your skin glowing again!