Happy New Year!

This time of year we’re bombarded with messages about creating grand New Year’s Resolutions designed to help us improve some aspect of our lives. Whether it’s weight loss, improved finances, career development, or just to read more books, there’s a solution for everything. But creating real, sustainable change isn’t about drastic, all-or-nothing plans. Research shows these types of resolutions aren’t likely to stick, any way. So instead we put together a few of our favourite, simple ways to make small, lasting improvements all year long.

Eat More Pistachios

Pistachios are not only delicious and a convenient snack for busy snacks, they also contain healthy fats and are a good source of protein, fiber, and antioxidants. Those plus several essential nutrients help with healthy weight loss as well as overall heart and gut health.

Not only that, they’re one of the most vitamin B6-dense foods around! Vitamin B6 helps regulate blood sugar and create hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in our red blood cells. Not bad for a little nut!

Take Grape Seed Extract

Grape Seed Extract is made by removing, drying, and crushing grape seeds, and consuming it can provide a long list of benefits due to the high level of antioxidants. It can help prevent disease and protect against oxidative stress, tissue damage, and inflammation in the body.

Take Your Vitamins

A vitamin deficiency can cause a variety of unwelcome side effects, including brittle hair and bones, mouth ulcers or bleeding gums, poor night vision, dandruff or flaky skin, hair loss, red or white bumps on the skin, and even restless leg syndrome!

Any of these can put a serious damper on your overall health and ability to put your best foot forward this year.  But there’s no need to worry: often, just increasing your consumption of vitamin-rich foods (like fish, leafy greens, seeds, broccoli, or even pork) can help increase your vitamins and help improve your symptoms. 

Setting resolutions for improved health and wellness in 2020 doesn’t have to include hours in the gym. Making small changes that are easy to stick to can have a bigger impact for you. If you are ready to make larger changes to your diet, ask us about the Metabolic Balance Diet. Still not a drastic weight-loss program, the Metabolic Balance Diet instead works with your blood-type to ensure you’re eating the right foods for your body, and at Body ‘N’ Bloom we’re certified coaches. Ask us about it today, and all the best for a very Happy New Year!