When talking about platelets, one would usually think about blood transfusions, or clotting concerns, and rarely about cosmetic or somatological associations. Yet, for approximately 30 years already, platelets have been widely used as a regenerative, healing therapy for numerous concerns. Not only do they provide relief for more serious sports or strain related injuries, but Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy has been proven effective in the treatment of hair loss, fine lines, stretch marks, and more. 

The process used for PRP therapy includes a series of micro-injections that introduces the platelet rich plasma into the affected area, and in combination with the serum, the injections themselves promote healing by inducing the body’s natural response to injury. Think of when you have injured yourself: a small cut or abrasion follows the natural process of healing which includes inflammation, proliferation, and then remodeling. In other words, a higher concentration of blood flow to the affected area provides healing platelets that work towards regenerating the injured tissue. 

PRP therapy uses these same principles for regenerating the tissue that is targeted with micro-injections, and stimulates regrowth and healing. It all sounds very complicated and scientific, but trust us – the results are well worth the minor discomfort experienced during the treatment.

Among those treatments already mentioned, PRP therapy can be used for hair loss treatment, and aside from being far more cost effective, is far less invasive and painful than a full transplant. Healthy hair requires healthy hair follicles, and typically hair loss is caused by the death of the follicle that contains the hair.

In order to regrow hair naturally, the follicles need to be repaired and rejuvenated, and although there are many topical solutions that promise amazing results, the reality is that for true reparation you need to go deeper than the first layer of the skin. PRP therapy promotes the healing of the damaged hair follicles, and stimulates activity to reverse the natural shrinkage of the follicles that can be caused by various external and internal factors (age, genetics, stress, deficiencies). Not only are the follicles rejuvenated, but the hair that grows will have enhanced vitality, colour and brightness.

The results are long-lasting, and much faster than a surgical hair transplant that can take 6-9 months to be completed (who has time to wait that long?!). Although a hair transplant is an effective method of replacing lost hair, this is a much more extreme option, and also not necessary for all clients who experience hair loss. For minor and less obvious hair loss, PRP therapy is the best option.

If you are considering any kind of therapy or treatment for hair loss, dark circles, deep wrinkles (particularly around the lips and nose, eyes, forehead, neck and the back of your hands) and scars (including acne scars, stretchmarks and hypertrophic scars), make sure you book a consultation with our team to talk about PRP therapy. Skip the stress, forget the quick-fix creams, and enjoy the results of a proven, effective, and long-lasting therapy.