We talk a lot about the importance of taking care of your skin, but that’s often instantly associated with facials and at-home skin care routines. But did you know that laser treatments can be equally important and help with a variety of skin ailments, from acne scarring to nail fungus? It’s for so much more than just hair removal!

Lasers are a highly effective treatment method because they’re able to deliver super-focused, targeted energy to very specific locations. There are different types of lasers for different treatments, as well as for different skin and hair types.

We may not be able to deliver our signature Hydrafacial or Green Peel treatments while we’re back in stage two lockdown here in Ottawa, but in the meantime, why not give one of our laser treatments a try – you might discover a new favourite!

Laser Hair Removal

Let’s start with the obvious, shall we? Here at Body ‘N’ Bloom, we use medical laser technology from Syneron Candela. It’s safe, fast, and effective on all skin and hair types for both men and women. The machine gives a quick cooling burst immediately before and after each laser pulse, so the treatment is comfortable.

Treatment usually requires about 6 sessions 4-6 weeks apart, and YES – you can shave between sessions!

Acne Scarring Treatment

Face, chest and back acne have the same root causes – a combination of dead skin cells, oil produced by the skin (called sebum), and bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes (P. acne). When P. acne bacteria builds up in pores, skin becomes inflamed, leading to pimples and cysts on the skin.

We have two ways to treat acne scars, one is Blue Light Phototherapy, and the second is with a sublative laser treatment, which sends fractional energy to the skin with minimal epidermal disruption, where it can produce a significant boost in both collagen and elastin.

This treatment is safe and effective for ALL Skin Types, providing visible results and low downtime. The number of treatments varies, but it usually requires 3-5 treatments spaced approximately 4 weeks apart.

Spider Vein Removal

Spider veins are common and can occur anywhere on the body, including the face and legs. Generally, spider veins occur when tiny blood vessels connect together and cause redness and elevated red blotches close to the surface of the skin.

What causes Spider Veins? Everything from hormonal changes, exposure to the sun, injuries, or sometimes it’s even hereditary. Unfortunately, most medications and creams do not help eliminate spider veins. However, we use advanced laser treatments to eliminate these small veins.

Nail Fungus Treatment

The most dangerous part of nail fungus isn’t necessarily the possibility of it spreading to and infecting other nails, but rather that it can shed and spread throughout your house and to other family members. Nail fungus infection causes fingernails or toenails to thicken, discolor, disfigure, and split. Traditional methods for nail fungus treatment are ineffective and carry potential risk of side effects. Laser nail fungus treatment helps get rid of nail fungus and provides results you wished for.

Laser Wrinkle Treatment or Skin Tightening

Our laser wrinkle treatment machine has helped our clients minimize:

+Crow’s feet

+Wrinkles around the eyes

+Smile lines

+Frown lines

+Smoker’s lines

Body ‘N’ Bloom has two Laser Wrinkle Treatment Options. The eTwo machine is a new platform based on the eMatrix™ technology and combines sublime and sublative applications for an amazing facial rejuvenation. eTwo allows for the connection of two applicators simultaneously, each specifically designed for different tissue thicknesses.

Sublative – fractional energy delivered to the skin with low epidermal disruption and high dermal impact for ALL Skin Types

Sublime – Non-invasive, controlled elōs-based deep dermal heating for deep folds and lower face contour on ALL skin types.

Stretch Mark Treatment

Stretch marks commonly appear after a change in your weight and after pregnancies. Stretch marks affect men, women and even children who grow quickly.  Fortunately, stretch marks are not dangerous, and they often disappear over time.

We use a new platform based on the eMatrix system which allows the connection of 2 applicators simultaneously, each specifically designed to treat different tissue thicknesses.

Our sublative system directs fractional RF energy into the skin with low epidermal disruption and high dermal impact in the form of a matrix. The healthy skin around the RF energy matrix helps accelerate the healing process as new collagen and healthy skin cells are produced after the treatment.

Sublative treatments are suitable for all skin types with a 30-60% success rate.

Whether you’re itching for some self-care or have a stubborn malady you’d like to have treated, give us a call at (613) 552-8504 or book your appointment or free consultation online. We’re here for all of your skin care needs.