The New Year is always riddled with “New Year New You” messages, pushing you to hit those goals no matter what it takes. But failed or failing New Year’s resolutions are actually a big factor in Blue Monday! We put so much pressure on ourselves to reach these lofty, often unrealistic goals that when we don’t achieve them it actually causes us anxiety.

But if you’re truly interested in improving your overall health and well being, here are a few seemingly small steps you can take that add up to big changes and improvements over time, to both your physical and mental health.

Take the Stairs

Instead of aiming to go to the gym for an hour 5 days a week (a big jump if you’ve been relatively inactive lately), try making smaller changes that are easier to maintain – like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. The added activity will help you feel more alert and energetic, but it doesn’t require shifting around your entire schedule.

Weekly Self-Care Day

Once a week, take time to yourself and really, truly relax. A hot bath after the kids are in bed, a book and a warm cup of coffee or tea, or a long walk in nature. A few hours to yourself on a regular basis can help keep you from feeling overwhelmed and avoid burnout.

Call an Old Friend

Calling old friends can bring a heap of joy. Nostalgia, reminders of the good ol’ days, talking about where life has taken you both. Sometimes, life and the day-to-day can get overwhelming and connecting with an old friend is all we need to remind ourselves of simpler times. Aim to connect with a friend each month.

Drink More Water

If you’re like the majority of us, you probably don’t drink enough water! Drinking water isn’t just about keeping hydrated. Drinking water can help:

  • Improve your memory
  • Improve your mood
  • Curb sugar cravings and help with weight loss
  • Reduce headaches and migraines
  • Prevent kidney stones and bladder infections
  • And more 

Indulge Yourself

Sometimes, despite all the taking care of ourselves that we do, we just need a little extra boost to take us to that next level. A gift card to Body ‘N’ Bloom can be used at any time, so you can purchase it now and cash it in for a day when you really need it.

Especially this year, it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself. Don’t put pressure on yourself to take drastic steps, instead, try these little changes and let us know how you feel!