As we move into October and the nights arrive earlier and earlier, it can be easy to want to curl up on the couch and live off of take-out and delivery pizza for the next 6 months. But what we eat gives us our energy and helps us stay healthy, so while it’s OK to indulge, it’s important we continue to consume healthy nutrients no matter how often that stuffed-crust pizza calls our name. It’s the key to keeping your body running at optimal levels this fall.

Running at Optimal Levels: The Big 3

This fall, it’s important to make sure you have a well-rounded diet that takes in all of the ‘big three’ nutrients: carbs, fats, and proteins (macronutrients).

Despite what many fad diets will tell you, carbs are essential to functioning optimally. Carbs are what gives your body energy. They get consumed and broken down into glucose, which the brain uses for fuel. The best sources are found in whole grains.

Fats are your body’s back-up energy source when it runs out of carbs. The best fat sources are oils like olive, canola, sunflower, soybean, and corn oil, as well as nuts, seeds, avocados, and fish. 

Protein both keeps you feeling full longer, and is necessary to repair and build muscle tissue. You can find protein in lean meats, poultry, seafood, beans, soy products, and nuts.

Running at Optimal Levels: Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals are a large group of about 30 essential nutrients (micronutrients) spanning from calcium to zinc to vitamin C, and includes everything in between. They are responsible for the healthy growth and maintenance of everything from our hair and skin, to our eyesight and strong bones.

Running at Optimal Levels: Everyone is Different

While it’s important to ensure you’re consuming your macro and micronutrients, it’s also important to note that everyone is different and the specific amounts of each of these you need to keep your body running optimally throughout the fall and winter months will vary.

The Metabolic Balance diet is a highly customized plan that goes as far as to test bloodwork to determine exactly what your body needs for optimal function. At Body ‘N’ Bloom, I’m not only a certified Metabolic Balance coach but I’m also a success story myself!

Reach out to me directly to chat about the Metabolic Balance diet, and to ensure your body gets the nutrients you need to keep up your energy throughout the colder months.