There may still be snow on the ground here in Ottawa, and across many cities in Canada, but that isn’t stopping us from dreaming about warmer days ahead. If you’re a planner, you may already be filling up your weekend social calendar for the next couple of months. Since we’re dreaming of summer, we should start to think about the changes we should be making to our skincare regime. Everyone has different skincare needs and your routine should be unique, just like you. But the one thing we should all have in common is protection. If you barely left your house all winter you may not have been religiously applying a sunscreen daily but now that warmer weather is in the forecast, it’s time to start applying and reapplying that that SPF. 

Ultraviolet (UV) exposure is the number one cause of premature aging and skin cancer. 

First things first. Check your medicine cabinet for any old sunscreen you may have on hand, and immediately check the expiry date. Throw away sunscreens after 1–2 years .Sunscreens contain chemicals, and they should not be used after the expiry date because they may lose their effectiveness. 

Top Tips for Sunscreen Use. 

Wear sunscreen worn daily (indoors and outdoors). Indoor UV exposure can occur from ultraviolet that penetrates through glass, which is UVA. UVA is emitted at the same level — all day long — where is UVB, which is blocked by glass peaks mid-day.

Apply sunscreen to the face, as well as other areas that will be exposed. Sunscreen should be worn on all over the face, neck and ears. Next cover any areas of your body that will be exposed.  According to the Canadian Cancer Society, the average adult needs about 2 or 3 tablespoons of sunscreen to cover their body and a teaspoon to cover their face and neck. This is about the size of a golf ball to cover your body every time.

Use an SPF 30 or above. Sunscreens are rated by the strength of their SPF. SPF stands for sun protection factor. A sunscreen’s SPF tells you its ability to screen or block out the sun’s UVB rays. SPF 15 sunscreen blocks 93% of UVB rays. Sunscreen with SPF 30 blocks 97% of UVB rays. Starting out with a higher SPF helps to ensure the highest quality of protection for the longest period.

Reapply every couple of hours. Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, or more frequently if you are swimming or sweating heavily. Apply before you head outside and remember that some insect repellants may reduce the effectiveness of your sunscreen. 

Use a Mineral sunscreen. Formulas with zinc and titanium are great because they’re natural ingredients. These physical sunscreens sit on the surface of the skin to deflect the rays. Even better, mineral formulas are better suited for those with sensitive skin, as they don’t irritate the skin. You should also look for broad spectrum and water-resistant on the label.

Protect your lips and eyes. Wear a lip balm with SPF and protect your eyes with sunglasses with built-in UV protection. 

Your clothes can count as SPF, too. Sun protection doesn’t just involve slathering on sunscreen. Wear sun-protective clothing, hat, and sunglasses. Wear clothing with a tight weave or high-SPF clothing. Wear wide-brimmed hats. Take breaks in shaded areas.

Apply sunscreen on cloudy day. Even if you can’t see the sun, UV rays can pass through the clouds.

Finally, if you don’t like a certain sunscreen, don’t use that as an excuse to go without. There are so many great sunscreens on the marker these days, keep looking until you find one that works for your budget, lifestyle and skin type. And remember, it’s best to avoid any prolonged exposure to the sun whenever possible.