The seasons are cyclical, and so are our bodies. We are part of nature, after all. This means that our bodies tend to have different needs at different times of the year, month – even day!

So, with the fall steadily approaching, we’re sharing our favourite tips for feeling your best as the weather tries to do its worst.

Vitamin D

If you’re not already, now is the time to start taking a vitamin D supplement, or perhaps upping your current dose. The reason? Our bodies naturally synthesize vitamin D through sun exposure – which you’re bound to get less of as temperatures drop. 

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

The cooler months are drier months, and therefore much harsher on our skin. Layering a more heavy-duty facial moisturizer into your daily or nightly routine, or adding a hydrating serum, can help strengthen and protect skin against the incoming chill. Also, make sure you still use an SPF – the sun’s rays still shine bright when it’s cooler out!

Skin resurfacing treatments

Many facial skin procedures require some light down time, especially from sun exposure. What better time to shield yourself from its rays than fall and winter? A series of treatments done in the fall or winter might be easier for you to plan around than in between beach days. (Head to our website to choose from a selection of skin treatments to sneak in before you get snowed in!)

Manage your immune system

This includes making sure you get your flu shot, and any other seasonal vaccines, to keep you and those around you extra safe! It also includes making sure you drink enough water, adding some vitamin C to your daily supplement routine, and getting enough rest.

Consider mesotherapy

Mesotherapy really just means a vitamin cocktail injection – where vitamins and amino acids are delivered directly to your bloodstream for maximum absorption, at a depth similar to acupuncture. We provide targeted mesotherapy for both skin and hair, which you can read more about and book here.

Enjoy seasonal produce

A lovely way to embrace the various seasons is to purchase what’s in season at the time. Root vegetables, cruciferous veggies like Brussels sprouts and broccoli, and winter squash varieties are all at their best this time of year. Plus, our bodies absorb nutrients most effectively through whole foods. 

Is there anything you do around this time of year that helps give you that extra boost? You can always choose to pamper yourself with one of our spa treatments to help get you through any autumn blahs. Contact us for a FREE consultation today.