Genetic modification is also called genetic engineering (GE or GMO). With genetic engineering, scientist can change plants or animals at the molecular level by inserting genes or DNA segment from other organism.
GM crops grown in Canada:
• Corn – find in: Corn flakes, corn chips, cornstarch, corn syrup, corn oil, sweeteners like glucose and fructose,
• Canola – find in: canola oil, egs, milk and meat
• Soy – find in: soy oil soy protein, soy lecithin, tofu, soy beverage, soy pudding,
• Sugar beet – find it: sugar

GM foods imported to Canada:
• Cotton seed oil – find in cotton seed oil, vegetable oils in processed food (potato chips)
• Papaya – find in: papaya in fruit juices
• Squash – find in: some zucchini, yellow crookneck and straight neck squash
• Milk products ( brovine growth hormone) – milk solids and powder, frozen desserts with dairy mixed drinks with milk ingredients

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