January is the time of resolutions – eat better, go to the gym more often, wake up earlier, give up caffeine – goodness, we’re hard on ourselves! We know it’s easy to say “you’re perfect just the way you are” – because you are, of course! But we also know that sometimes small changes can help us boost our confidence, and we’re all about being our most confident, self-loving selves!

We’ve put together a few of our best tips to increase your confidence, and have a fabulous 2022.

Go Shopping

We’ve all been there – getting ready to go out (or just getting dressed for another day of working from) and there’s just nothing to wear. Nothing fits. We’re beyond frustrated with our closets, our jeans, and ourselves – and put back on the same pair of black tights we’ve been wearing all week.

It sucks. We know it does. But instead of waiting to lose weight and fit back into those jeans, go shopping. Buy a few nice items that fit you properly and that you feel comfortable in. Having one or two pairs of pants and nice tops that fit you properly will go a long way to boosting your confidence – and with increased confidence, you’ll be more likely to stick to any new regimens you may be trying to follow.

Stock Up with Bite-Sized Snacks

We know saying “eat healthier, you’ll feel better” is way easier said than done. But it is true – if you fuel your body with healthy foods, you will have more energy, feel less bloated and sluggish, and even have clearer skin. To help make it as easy as possible, chop veggies and fruit into bite-sized, grab-and-go pieces as soon as you get home from the store. This will make it easier to munch on them instead of chips when you’re feeling peckish.

If you’re ready to undergo a real transformation with your diet, check out our Metabolic Balance® Weight Loss Diet.

Try Something New

If you’re feeling like you’re in a slump, why not sign up for a new hobby? Whether it’s a painting class, pottery, a running group, a book club – any structured activity will help get you out of the house, out of your comfort zone, and build new skills and friendships! By joining a group instead of undertaking a new hobby on your own will help ensure you stick with it.

The new skills and connections you make will help boost your confidence!

Treat Yourself

You don’t have to feel like you’ve reached whatever goals you’ve set for yourself before you start treating yourself! Self-care is so important for your mental health and your confidence. Treatments can be anything from a soothing massage to something that can treat a problem you may have. For example, if you’re struggling with acne scars, we can treat those with either a Blue Light or Sublative laser. Depending on the laser chosen, scars can clear up in as little as 3-5 treatments! No matter what your New Year’s Resolution is (if you have one), it’s important to take baby steps along the way to help you look and feel your best, to have a confident, fabulous 2022. If that included a visit to Body ‘N’ Bloom, you can book a treatment online today!