We all know the importance of vitamins to maintaining good health. But what about minerals? Just like vitamins, minerals are essential to help maintain a healthy body and mind. 

According to experts, minerals are needed for the proper composition of body fluids, including blood, and for the proper composition of tissues, bone, teeth, muscles and nerves. Minerals also play a significant role in maintaining healthy nerve function, the regulation of muscle tone, and supporting a healthy cardiovascular system. 

Growing up you probably heard a lot about the importance of the mineral Calcium. Calcium is important for children (and adults) because it helps to build and maintain strong and healthy bones. It also helps build strong, healthy teeth. 

Other essential minerals include iron and potassium. However, there are many more minerals your body needs to function, including: beta-carotene. Magnesium Minerals include calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, chloride, iron, iodine, fluoride, zinc, copper, selenium, chromium and cobalt. 

Mineral deficiency

There are a variety of reasons you may be deficient in certain mineral, including health conditions and a poor diet. Overtime mineral deficiencies can lead to a variety of health problems, such as weak bones, fatigue, or a decreased immune system. Anemia caused by Iron deficiency is a common problem among women, especially during pregnancy. It is estimated that 25% of the world’s population is iron deficient. Iron deficiency often leads to anemia, tissue inflammation and fatigue. Another often overlooked problem is Magnesium deficiency, also known as hypomagnesemia. Magnesium deficiency can present as muscle twitches, cramps, anxiety, fatigue, and even difficulty sleeping. 

Minerals and Skin Health

Are there any minerals that directly impact the overall health and appearance of your skin? Yes! Two minerals are especially important for skin health – Zinc and Selenium. Zinc helps your skin health after an injury, it may protect your skin from UV damage – and it acts like an antioxidant. The second mineral, Selenium, works with antioxidants to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. A deficiency in Selenium has been linked with a greater chance of skin cancer. 

Maintaining Optimal Levels of Minerals

The best way to ensure that you have the proper levels of minerals in your system is through a healthy balanced diet. For example, dairy products are a great source of Calcium, but did you know that Calcium is also found in dark-green leafy vegetables, dried peas and beans and fish with bones? Focusing on eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes, low-fat protein, and dairy products will help ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need. 

If you are still concerned that you are not getting everything you need through food alone, try taking supplements. There are plenty of highly reputable brands on the market, so do your research and choose a brand that fits with your budget and lifestyle. As always, consult your physician or a registered dietitian or nutritionist if you have questions or concerns about your health.