Spider Vein Treatment Ottawa

Spider veins are common and can occur anywhere on the body, including the face and legs. Generally, spider veins occur when tiny blood vessels connect together and cause redness and elevated red blotches close to the surface of the skin.

What causes Spider Veins?

+ hormonal changes

+ exposure to the sun

+ injuries

+ hereditary

How to Treat Spider Veins?

Unfortunately, most medications and creams do not help eliminate spider veins. Body ‘N’ Bloom uses advanced laser treatments to eliminate these small veins.

Call 613-800-4461 or book an appointment online to assess and treat spider veins

Pre and Post Treatment Guidelines


  1. The skin must be clean and dry.
  2. Direct sun exposure and tanning MUST be avoided for one to two weeks prior to treatment.


  1. A cool compress can be applied to the treatment area to provide comfort.
  2. Must use a sunblock with at least SPF 30 or more to protect the treated area.
  3. Avoid exercising or strenuous activity for three to five days to prevent "flushing".
  4. Avoid certain environments, such as hot showers, steam rooms, saunas, hot tubs, etc., for several   days following treatment.
  5. Limit or forego the intake of alcoholic beverages for several days following treatment, as alcohol consumption can cause vasodilation.
  6. Use if possible a compression or support for several days following the treatment.
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